Odontites vernus

Spring tooth Trost ( Odontites vernus )

The Spring tooth Trost ( Odontites vernus ) is spread a plant of the genus tooth consolation and also in Central Europe.


The species blooms only in May and June and differs from Odontites vulgaris by the acute -branching. The 1-4 Astpaare take it an angle of 20 ° to 40 °. The leaves of spring - tooth comfort are also pointed, fleshy and not longer than the flowers. At the end of the heyday of the stylus protrudes from the crown.


The plant is usually present in fields and in the short-lived weeds corridors. Phytosociological he can be regarded as Kennart the Association Aperion spica -venti. The Europe-wide common type occurs in Germany rarely. In some states, it is on the Red List.
