
Developed in Hermopolis Magna ancient Egyptian mythology the " Ogdoad of Hermopolis " is first documented in the strings time. In contrast to the " Ennead of Heliopolis ", the Ogdoad cosmogony represented before the creation of the world. Therefore, the four Urgötterpaare describe the cosmic state before the worldly creation.


In the Middle Kingdom dated an explanation of the earlier mythological connections: Schu is enveloped with the breath of life, the throat of the Benu in the day when Atum was created in Heh, Well, Kek and Tenemu. The newly created mythology states that before the creation of the world reigned eight gods:

The last pair is often replaced by

The males are represented in human form with frog heads, the female creature with snake heads.

The sun god Re, the son of the Ogdoad

The sun god Re was born according to the teaching of Hermopolis by the Ogdoad, the The Return of the Goddess as his " fathers " are described accordingly in the demotic papyrus. The main place of worship of the Ogdoad was in Hermopolis, another west of Thebes in a small temple at Medinet Habu.

As the creator of the eight primal gods applies after hermopolitanischen teaching of the sun god Schepsi.
