The Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine ( OGRE short [ oʊgɚ ], English for ogre ) is a written in C open- source graphics engine for rendering 3D graphics. The source code is under the MIT license (up to version 1.6.x under modified GNU Lesser General Public License ). Popular operating systems Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and iPhone OS (version 1.7) are supported.


Ogre sees itself as pure graphics engine for computer games without the integration of physics or game mechanics simulation, with these on extensions (plugins / addons ) can be retrofitted. A library for user input via mouse, keyboard and joystick that is used by the sample programs is, however, included.

In addition to a scene graph, the freely available program library provides also support for popular graphic interface DirectX versions 9 and (experimental) 11 (Windows) and OpenGL (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X). OGRE features while the developer help in the development of newer techniques such as vertex or pixel shaders, normal mapping or processing of GNP data. All the details of the system libraries are thereby abstracted into a class structure.

The program package is based on extensive documentation and examples at a large community supports the project and is continuously evolving. Developers are encouraged to recycle their own modifications to the engine to the project in order to incorporate as more features can. A plugin for this structure was also created.


Since 2006, Ogre is sponsored by the Google Summer of Code. The latest version, which you can obtain from the Subversion server of the project, has already DirectX11 rendering system.

On the official website you will find games and programs that use the technique of OGRE engine. Meanwhile, there are some commercial products as OGRE engine:

In addition, more Ogre3D based applications, tools and applications exisitieren for digital content creation:

  • Artifex Terra 3D Free WYSIWYG 3D Terrain and World Editor. Open Source scene loader with ETM, TSM, Ogre :: Terrain and " Paged Grass" support.
  • Ogitor open source scene editor for OGRE.

Wrappers and Translations

  • Mogre -. NET wrapper for C #, Visual Basic
  • Axiom ( Engine ) - Translation of the OGRE core in C #
  • Python - Ogre - Python wrapper as PyOGRE ( replaced PyOGRE )
  • PyOGRE - Python wrapper (deprecated)
  • Ogre4j - Java wrapper
  • Lugre - Lua bindings for Ogre and various extensions ( Paged Geometry, Caelum, Cadune Tree )
  • PureBasic: Since version 4.00 OGRE comes with PureBasic with ( thus also no wrapper required)


