Old Hungarian alphabet

The Old Hungarian script (in Hungarian Rovásírás, where Rovas same as write IRAs means ), sometimes referred to as Hungarian runes because of its appearance, was used in the early Middle Ages, before the introduction of the Latin alphabet to Verschriftung the Hungarian.

The Old Hungarian script is possibly related to the Orkhon runes ( old Turkish writing), which has its roots like most European and West Asian alphabets in the proto- Semitic writing. There is no relationship to the Germanic runes.

The writing is from right to left.

In recent years, the font is used more often again. Thus, there are several towns and villages in Hungary, who also posted on the place name Old Hungarian script next to the town sign in the Latin alphabet.


In Latin transcription of the text reads ( each capital letter, a letter of the original text ): " ÚRNaK SZÜLeTéSéTÜL FOGVÁN ÍRNaK eZeRÖTSZÁZeGY eSZTeNDŐBE Mátyás Kovács JÁNOS eSTYTáN CSINÁLTáK MÁTYáSMeSTeR GeRGeLYMeSTeRCSINÁLTÁK G IJ A aS I LY LY LT A"

Translated into modern Hungarian: " ( EZT ) az ur születése utáni 1501 évben. Írták. Mátyás János, István kovácsok csinálták. Mátyás semester ( és ) Gergely semester csinálták ... "

German translation: " (This ) was written in 1501. Year of our Lord. The Forge Matthias, John ( and ) Stephen did ( this). Master Matthias ( and ) Master Gergely did ... " The meaning of the last letter is unclear.


The inclusion of the font in Unicode has been decided, it will be (as of August 2013) in 2015 in a provisional Old Hungarian named Unicode block (U 10 C80 .. 10CFF ) are available. The term is controversial, including as this term is also used for a specific historical stage of the Hungarian language, while the font is used for all language levels. The authority responsible for the designation ISO working group has therefore postponed the final decision on the next scheduled for February 2014 meeting in June 2013. [ Deprecated]
