
Olodum is a Brazilian musical group, da Bahia participating in the Carnival of Salvador and in a smaller formation denies stage performances. The name is borrowed from the religion of the Yoruba in Nigeria. The band has recorded several successful CDs. Olodum is also a cultural association that is committed to the Afro-Brazilian culture and social concerns of the black population of Salvador.

Olodum is one of the most famous groups of the Samba Reggae and has influenced this musical instrumental. The music group was founded in 1979 as a bloco afro modeled after Ilê Aiyê and joined the music from the outset with political demands for equal rights for black people. The Cultural Centre of Olodum is located on the Pelourinho, the historic center of the old town of Salvador.

In addition to many private records and CDs Olodum 1990 played with Paul Simon The Obvious Child, the piece on the album The Rhythm of the Saints, a, 1995, Michael Jackson, the single They Do not Care About Us with the group, which also in the video can be seen. They also played the drum rhythm for taking pictures of Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock on the compilation Bahia Black - Ritual Beating a system by Bill Laswell. Michael Jackson wears several Olodum T -shirts in the video of his hit " They Do not Care About Us "
