
58.77333327.006389Koordinaten: 58 ° 46 'N, 27 ° 0' O

Omedu ( German Omedo ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Kasepää ( Kasepää vald ) in the Estonian county Jõgeva.

Description and History

Omedu has 119 inhabitants (as of 2000). It lies at the mouth of the eponymous river ( Omedu Jõgi ) in the Lake Peipus ( Peipsi järv ). In 1957, the first bridge was built across the river; previously attended a ferry for the transportation of people, animals and loads.

The place was first mentioned in documents in 1590 under the name Willa Omieden. In the six- kilometer road village survived until the 20th century, mainly fishermen. Since 1810 there was a school that was closed in 1962. In the historic school building from 1898 today, the village club his seat

In the years 1981 to 1988 in Omedu was a Musterkolchose for fishing with numerous living and working buildings.
