Ontojärvi – Nurmesjärvi


The Ontojärvi is a lake in the municipality of Kuhmo in the Finnish countryside of Kainuu.

The Ontojärvi forms with the much smaller Nurmesjärvi, which lies to the southeast, a 104.57 km ² lake, which lies at an altitude of 159.2 m. In the 4949 km ² large catchment area of ​​Ontojärvi are the eastern lakes Lentua and Lammasjärvi. The Ontojärvi is drained by the Ontojoki for iso- Kiimanen in the West. The water flows from there from the Oulujärvi and the Oulujoki the Gulf of Bothnia. The center of Kuhmo is located a few kilometers east of the Ontojärvi.
