
Opinio ( Esperanto opinio. Opinion ) was a Dutch political weekly magazine, published in the years 2007 and 2008. She appeared on Fridays, the editorial office was located in Amsterdam.


Opinio was founded by Jaffe Vink, who was previously director of Trouw supplement " Letter & Geest " been at the newspaper. Vink was this supplement since its inception for 18 years ago and made ​​it a internally controversial section of the newspaper because there multiculturalism and political Islam was attacked in a provocative manner. This led to tensions with the chief editor, so Vink mid-2006 left the newspaper and opinion founded, its editor, he was also. The first issue appeared in January 2007, self-reported a circulation of 350,000 copies.

The sheet was funded by the former Philips Manager Roel Pieper, who also served as editor. The management took over Huib Schreurs, previously held the same position at De Groene Amsterdam.

Opinio was printed on pink red paper and contained no photographs, drawings and advertisements. Vink called the political orientation of its magazine " left - conservative." For the sheet of about 30 freelancers, including Anne Applebaum, Frits Bolkestein, Afshin Ellian, Hans Jansen, Bernard -Henri Lévy and Xandra Schutte worked alongside five editors.

The aim was a print run of 50,000. Since the magazine reprinted no ads, the support was not detected by oplage Instituut. Beginning of June 2008 drew Pieper its financial support for Opinio due to the edition of only 5,000 copies back, whereupon the immediate cessation followed.


The magazine website offered an audio subscription where all posts in the magazine could be accessed in a read aloud version. A version for mobile devices, and an RSS feed were likewise.
