Orange-bellied Antwren

The black back Antwren ( Terenura sicki ), also known as Sick Antwren, is a rare songbird in the family of ant birds. Its occurrence is limited to the states of Alagoas and Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil.


The black back Antwren is a fairly recent discovery in the ornithological art. He was described only in 1983 by the two Brazilian ornithologist Dante Martins Teixeira and Luiz Pedreira Gonzaga. It was named after the German -born ornithologist Helmut Sick.

Features and habitat

The black back Antwren reached a size of 10 cm. The males are mainly black in color on the top and whitish stripes on the head, neck and cloak. Face and ears are whitish and black striped. From the beak to the eyes with a black beard strip attracts. Wings and tail are black. In addition, the wings have satin white ribbons and borders. The underside is white colored with black stripes in places on the chest.

The English name Orange -bellied Antwren got these birds from the coloration of the females. They have a black crown with white stripes but are otherwise reddish brown above and below dyed orange-red. The throat has a pale yellow-brown tint. The females sometimes have black stripes on the chest.

Its habitat is the upper layers of moist forests at an altitude of 400 to 700 m above sea level.


The diet consists of beetles, cockroaches, ants and other insects.

Breeding season

The incubation period is probably from November to February. The nests are hidden in dense foliage erected in a height of 10 to 12 m. They are commonly found in mixed flocks of birds, but there are already isolated pairs have been observed.


His voice is made of soft, constant trills that last 3 to 4 seconds and a fast multiple reputation as the Tzi -de- de -de -de -de- Tzi de sounds.


The distribution is limited to 6 locations in the Atlantic rainforest of Alagoas and Pernambuco. These are small, highly fragmented forest remnants in Murici (Alagoas ), Pedra Talhada (Alagoas ), Usina Serra Grande (Alagoas ), Novo Lino (Alagoas ), Água Azul ( Pernambuco) and Frei Caneca ( Pernambuco) with a total area of 126 km ².

Between 250 and 1,000 copies still exist in a rapidly shrinking habitat, which is mainly threatened by excessive deforestation, fire, through the creation of sugar plantations and grazing land and road construction. So its forest near Murici ² has been reduced from an area of ​​70 square kilometers in the 1970s to an area of ​​only 30 km, during the 1990s, for example. From the IUCN he is classified as endangered ( high risk ).
