Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Soviet Union)

The Bogdan Khmelnitsky - Order (Russian Орден Богдана Хмельницкого ) was a military order of the Soviet Union, which was founded on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the victory over Germany from Ukraine again. He was appointed to Khmelnitsky, a Ukrainian Cossack.

The three-class medal was instituted on 10 October 1943 by the government under Joseph Stalin. In contrast to the other donated during the Second World War military awards this medal was also awarded to partisans. Unlike the Suvorov and Kutuzov Order of the award of this order was not only officers reserved. It could thus be honored even sergeant, sergeants and privates.

Design of the Order

Order star

The Order star is curved in all three classes. In the spaces between the rays of the star there is a filling with beam. On to the star is a medallion with a portrait Chmelnizkis with mace and fur hat. In addition to the portrait is on the order star of the first and second class the name " БОГДАН ХМЕЛЬНИЦКИЙ " (in German: Bogdan Chmel'nickij ). The medallion is surrounded by a rim which shows two crossed sabers and the upper part tendril ornaments in the lower part. In the third class, the inscription is in the upper part of the ring. The tendrils ornaments are found only in the lower part of both sides to saber.

The Order star is in the first grade of gold (star and medallion ) and silver (ring), in the second grade of gold ( medallion ) and silver (star and ring) and in the third grade only of silver.


The basic colors of medal bar ( band buckle) were blue and white. The Ordensspange First Class had a 5 mm wide white center stripe on a blue background. In the clip of the second class were two white edge stripes with a width of 3 mm. The third class had a central and two marginal strips of 2 mm width.


The Bogdan Khmelnitsky - Order was in first grade about 320 times, in second grade about 2400 times, and in the third grade awarded approximately 5700 times. Among the recipients were among more than 1,000 troops and associations.
