
Orectochilus villosus

Orectochilus is a genus of the family of whirligig beetles ( Gyrinidae ). From them comes in Europe only the Hairy whirligig beetles ( Orectochilus villosus ), which is also native to Central Europe.


The beetles can be distinguished from those of the genus Gyrinus by their fine and dense point-like structured and finely hairy top. The body is very narrow, the Analsternit is drawn out to a long cone. The wing covers are missing rows of dots.

Occurrence and life

The animals live in streams and rivers and are particularly under weirs and to find like. During the day they usually stay hidden in groups and are active only in the evening. Then they swim fast on the water surface along. Mating takes place on land, in which the male then eats the Spermatophorenhülle.

Species ( Europe)

  • Hairy whirligig beetles ( Orectochilus villosus ) ( OF Müller 1776)

