Orthogonal polynomials

Under orthogonal polynomials is understood in mathematics an infinite sequence of polynomials

In one unknown, so that the degree has that are orthogonal with respect to a scalar product.


Be a Borel measure on and consider the Hilbert space of square integrable functions with respect to the scalar product

Next is for everyone. This is the case for example when the carrier has a compact dimension. In particular, the measure is finite and one can without loss of generality call. In the simplest case, the measure is given by a non-negative weighting function.

A sequence of polynomials, orthogonal polynomials is called a result, if the degrees and has different polynomials are orthogonal in pairs:


If the dimension is given, the corresponding polynomials can be uniquely constructed using the Gram- Schmidt's orthogonalization of the monomials. For this, it suffices obviously the moments

To know. The reverse is known as Stieltjes'sches moment problem.


There are different ways of normalization in use. To describe this we introduce the following constants:


Then is called the polynomials as orthonormal if necessary and as harmoniously.


Orthogonal polynomials satisfy a three-step recursion relation

(where to put the case) with

And the constants in the previous section.

The recursion can also be equivalently in the form


Be written.

Especially in the case of orthonormal Poynomen, one obtains a symmetric recursion and the orthonormal polynomials satisfy exactly the generalized eigenvector equation of the associated Jacobi operator. The measure is the spectral measure of the Jacobi operator for the first basis vector.

Christoffel - Darboux formula

It is

And in the case obtained by thresholding


The polynomial has exactly zeros, which are all simple and lie in the support of the measure. The zeros of lie strictly between the zeros of.

List of orthogonal polynomials

  • Gegenbauer polynomial
  • Hahn polynomial
  • Hermitian polynomial
  • Jacobi polynomial
  • Legendre polynomial
  • Laguerre polynomials
  • Chebyshev polynomial
  • Zernike polynomial