Orthosia incerta

Variable Kätzcheneule ( Orthosia ( Orthosia ) incerta )

The variable Kätzcheneule ( Orthosia ( Orthosia ) incerta ) or Violet Grey Frühlingseule is a butterfly (moth ) from the family of cutworms ( Noctuidae ).

  • 5.1 Notes and references
  • 5.2 Literature



As the name suggests the type, the medium-sized with a wingspan 37-31 mm moths are highly variable with respect to the coloring. The color spectrum of the forewings ranging from pale gray, violet gray, blue-gray, reddish gray, reddish brown to dark brown with all intervening tones. The flaws are light framed, the dark wavy line usually interrupted. The middle shade stands out most from dark. The outer lines are often resolved in dark spots. Without markings gray brown shimmer the hind wings.

Egg, caterpillar

The hemispherical egg is colored gray and shows very wavy ribs and a dark center spot with an equally colored napkin. The caterpillars have a green color with a whitish yellow and trickling back and side lines.

Similar Species

Outwardly indistinguishable is Orthosia incerta of the allopatric sister species Orthosia manfredi, however, occurs only in the Atlas Mountains. For the unambiguous determination of a genital examination is required. Due to the large variability in color also confusion with other cutworm species may occur.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The occurrence of the species extends through all the countries of Europe to East Asia including Japan. They only lack the very north Fennoskandinaviens. In the Alps, it comes up at 2000 meters before height. The variable Kätzcheneule is native to a wide variety of habitats, such as deciduous forests, bushy meadows as well as in cultural landscapes.

Way of life

The moths are crepuscular and nocturnal visit and artificial light sources as well as bait, prefer to food intake but blooming pussy willow. Even their very early flight time runs largely parallel to the willow blossom ( Salix) and accordingly comprises mainly the months of March to May. The caterpillars live in May and June. They feed on the leaves of various plants, such as poplar ( Populus ), birch ( Betulae ), willow ( Salix) and oak species (Quercus ) and of blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) and others. They also are pure murder caterpillars. The species overwinters as a pupa.


The variable Kätzcheneule is widely used in Germany and area- wise very common, which is why it is sometimes referred to as " Common deciduous forest Frühlingseule ". On the red list of endangered species is classified accordingly no impairment.

