Orthosia opima

Opima - Kätzcheneule ( Orthosia ( Cororthosia ) opima )

The opima - Kätzcheneule ( Orthosia ( Cororthosia ) opima ) or heathland - Frühlingseule is a butterfly (moth ) from the family of cutworms ( Noctuidae ).

  • 5.1 Literature
  • 5.2 Notes and references



The wingspan of the moth from 34 to 39 millimeters. The color spectrum of the forewing ranges from gray or blue-gray to purple gray or brown gray. The apex is relatively sharp. Striking is a center dark shadows. Ring and kidney stigma are often edged thin yellowish, but usually not very highlighted. The wavy line runs from the Costa to the inner edge very straight and turns slightly brownish. Gray-brown without markings are the hind wings. The antennae of the males are only slightly ciliated sawtooth.

Egg, caterpillar

The hemispherical egg is first greenish yellow, reddish yellow later and weakly corrugated displays, reticulated ribs. The caterpillars have a purple-brown color, with small white dots and bright, narrow back and side back lines, black side stripes and a yellow belly.

Similar Species

A certain similarity to Poplar Kitten Owl ( Orthosia populeti ) and for variables Kätzcheneule ( Orthosia incerta ). In these two species the wavy line, however, is provided with a kink at the inner edge of the forewing. In addition, the front wings are more rounded. In addition, the sensor show in the males of populeti clear comb teeth.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The presence of the species extends from central and northern Europe eastward to Central Asia. In the west and north, the distribution limit of France extends over the British Isles to southern Fennoscandia, in the south by the southern edge of the Alps to the Balkans. In the mountains it is absent at higher elevations. The opima - Kätzcheneule is mainly native to moist habitats. These include heathland, bog woodland, marshy meadows and shrub borders.

Way of life

The moths are crepuscular and nocturnal visit and artificial light sources as well as rare bait. For food intake, they prefer blooming pussy willow. Even their very early flight time runs largely parallel to the willow blossom ( Salix) and accordingly comprises mainly the months of March to May. The caterpillars live in May and June. They feed on the leaves of various plants, for example by

  • Goat Willow (Salix caprea )
  • Thunberg barberry (Berberis thunbergii )
  • Beech (Fagus ),
  • Oaks (Quercus ),
  • Poplars (Populus ),
  • Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa),
  • Blueberries (Vaccinium )

And others. Pupation takes place in a hole in the ground, where the winter is done.


The opima - Kätzcheneule is to be found in Germany in different numbers, area is as rare, so they (endangered ) is classified on the Red List of endangered species in category 3.

