Ostrich algorithm

The ostrich algorithm is a term used in computer science. When multiple threads are due to cyclical conditions between equipment in a deadlock ( deadlock ), there are different ways to handle this.

The ostrich algorithm provides here the simplest approach is: the fact that a deadlock has occurred is simply ignored. As a consequence, it follows that this deadlock can never be resolved - the threads wait until all the infinity to the resource or "outside" of the state exempt (usually by being stops ).

From a mathematical point of view, however, is the prevention of jamming the right way and this form of " troubleshooting " the question. However, if the cost of prevention is too large, or the likelihood that a deadlock occurs, too small, this method proves to be useful.

The name of the algorithm comes from the ostrich, which puts a false rumor at risk our heads in the sand to ignore the "problem".
