Oton Iveković

Oton Iveković ( born April 17, 1869 in Klanjec; † 4 July 1939 Klanjec ) was a Croatian painter at the time of Austria-Hungary, within the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia, later in the time of Yugoslavia.


Oton Iveković began the art of painting in Ferdo Quiquerez in Zagreb to learn. For further training, he went to Vienna, Munich and Karlsruhe. From his many trips Ivekovic created watercolors and sketches. Among them, for example, works on old Croatian towns, the Velebitgebirgszug, even motives of traveling through America and Macedonia have emerged.

In his works, created Ivekovic dealt mainly with the Croatian history and Croatian folk costumes. It originated among other works such as " The arrival of the Croats ", "Death of Matija Gubec and" The Tomislav coronation ".

Oton Iveković died on July 4, 1939 in the castle Veliki Tabor, located in Zagorje. He was buried in Klanjec.

" Crowning of Tomislav "

" Nikola Zrinski Šubić "

"Death of Eugen Kvaternik "

"Death of Matija Gubec in front of St. Mark's Church in Zagreb "
