Otto Gruppe

Otto group ( born July 18, 1851 in Berlin, † November 27, 1921 ) was a German classical scholar and school teacher.

Group, son of the philosopher Friedrich Otto Group, studied at the Berlin University, where he received his doctorate on 29 January 1873. In 1874, he put in Greek, Latin, German and history from the state exam. From 1876 until his retirement in 1915 he worked at the Askanische Gymnasium in Berlin. Scientifically, he worked primarily with historical and religious questions.

Publications (selection)

  • Quaestiones Annaeanae, Berlin 1873 ( = dissertation)
  • The Greek cults and myths in their relations with the Oriental religions, Leipzig 1887
  • De cadmium fabula, Berlin 1891
  • Greek mythology and history of religion, Handbook of classical antiquity science 5, 2, Munich 1897-1906
  • History of classical mythology and religious history during the Middle Ages in the West and during the modern era, Expanded Dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology, Supplement, Leipzig 1921 ( PDF)