
The Overachiever (English: Overachiever of to achieve achievement, to German: " something bring about, achieve a goal ," sometimes Germanized " About Leister " ) attain the performance levels above their potential to describe people - ie have more success than you would by performance tests such as the SAT or suspect an intelligence test would. The term " overachiever " is used generally in the school environment. It is important to note especially that Overachiever are sometimes victimized. This occurs especially through performance envy of classmates who attribute the better performance not on talent but plated aspiration. Often About Leister be incorrectly assessed as gifted. In fact, they are not reached their successes by a particularly high IQ, but for example, special creativity, practical intelligence or emotional intelligence, or by special diligence. Possible consequences of the victimization, the isolation of the About Leister within its social environment be as better school performance is seen in a competitive relationship with social competence and is therefore regarded as prestigeunträchtig.

An Overachiever is therefore the opposite of a minority Leister ( underachievers ).

Famous Overachiever

The Terman study was one of the greatest long-term studies in the history of psychology, the study of giftedness devoted himself. Terman turned to California teachers, asking each to name him the most gifted and the second- most talented child in a class. He proposed two boys named Luis Walter Alvarez and William Bradford Shockley. Both were not allowed to participate in the study because they were not classified as gifted. Shockley in 1956, Alvarez 1968 awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.

As Overachiever applies the physics Nobel laureate Richard Feynman. In high school, he achieved an IQ test 125 points, a good but not an exceptional result, as Feynman himself stated when he reviewed his school records at the Nobel Prize ceremony hatte.Allerdings were then tested alongside mathematical and verbal skills. To be an invitation to join the Gifted Association of Mensa, which he had received after winning the Nobel Prize, he refused, saying he had missed the minimum IQ of 130.

Further use of the term

Analogous to the people, attain the performance levels above their (assumed) potential, even entire countries, business sectors, companies or shares in terms of their economic development are called Overachiever.
