
Mountain pointed Kiel ( Oxytropis montana)

The pointed keels or flags vetch ( Oxytropis ) is a genus in the subfamily of the Fabaceae ( Faboideae ).


The pointed keels are perennial, herbaceous plants, forming a woody rhizome. There are stemless as well as stalk- forming species. The leaves are usually pinnate, the leaflets are entire, and asymmetrical at the base. The stipules are fused, free with the petiole, or even connected.

The flowers are in axillary clusters. The sepal is Roehrig, the calyx teeth are approximately equal. The petals are violet, purple, white or pale yellow. They are nailed long, mostly free and sloping. The boat has a clear front patch tip. The uppermost stamen is free. The ovary is sitting up stalked and usually contains many ovules.

The flowers are pea flowers with a simple folding mechanism. Wings and keel are articulated. Pollination is often done by bumblebees, other langrüsselige Apoideen, in mountainous areas by butterflies.

The pods are often bloated, have a fan, they are often caused by incorrect longitudinal septum zweifächrig. The surface is glabrous or hairy. The usually more seeds are small, lens-shaped, kidney-shaped or spherical.


The genus Oxytropis is provided within the Faboideae in the tribe Galegeae. She was formerly subg as a subgenus of the genus Astragalus, Astragalus. Oxytropis, out.

The genus comprises about 300 species.

The occurring in Central Europe species are:

  • Field or Alpine Spitz Kiel ( Oxytropis campestris (L. ) DC. )
  • Glandular Spitz Kiel ( Oxytropis fetida ( Vill. ) DC. )
  • Silk Hair Pointed Kiel ( Oxytropis halleri Bunge ex WDJ Koch)
  • Swiss Spitz Kiel ( Oxytropis helvetica Scheele )
  • Mountain pointed Kiel ( Oxytropis montana (L.) DC, Syn. Oxytropis jacquinii Bunge)
  • Lapland spitz Kiel ( Oxytropis lapponica ( Wahlenb. ) Gay)
  • Pyrenees Spitz Kiel ( Oxytropis neglecta Gay ex ten. )
  • Shaggy pointed Kiel ( Oxytropis pilosa (L. ) DC. )
  • Three flower - pointed Kiel ( Oxytropis triflora Hoppe)
  • Vinschgauer silk hair - pointed Kiel ( Oxytropis xerophila Gutermann )

The genus name Oxytropis was coined by Augustin de Candolle Pyrame and is derived from the Greek words oxys = sharp and tropis = ship's keel. The name refers seeking to patch the boat tip, which morphologically distinguish the species of Astragalus.


  • Siegmund Seybold (ed.): Schmeil Fitschen - interactive ( CD -Rom ), Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2001/2002, ISBN 3-494-01327-6