Pablo Pineda

Pablo Pineda Ferrer ( born 1974 in Málaga ) is a Spanish teacher ( Educational Psychology ), actor and the first European with Down syndrome who has a university degree.

Life and education

Pineda Ferrer was born as the youngest of three brothers. Age of four, he learned to read and learned only seven years old by Miguel López Melero from the University of Málaga from his Down syndrome. Melero and his wife sat down for a very Pineda training and promotion. His mentor later recommended him a teaching degree, the Pineda began in 1995 and four years later successfully completed. He then began studying psychology. Since March 2009 he has worked at a school in Cordoba.


In the movie " Me too - Who wants to be normal" ( Yo, también ) plays Pineda Ferrer in the role of Daniel told his free life story in the struggle for normalcy. He was honored at the Film Festival of San Sebastian in 2009 for Best Actor with the Silver Shell for his performance.

In the film alphabet he is presented by Erwin Wagenhofer as one of the protagonists, showing that the existing school system has a one-sided image of man which is characterized by competition, selection and obedience. For him, this is the concept of fear. He wants to advertise through his work on this film for the "concept of love."


In 1991, Pineda Ferrer founded the project "Roma" for targeted support for children with Down syndrome with appropriately designed curricula.


"It is not a disease! It is a condition, a state. Just as one is blond, I just Down's syndrome. "

"But not for moral reasons, but for the sake of experience. There are hard experience, but extremely rewarding, you would never see through abortion of a disabled child. Parents with children who are "different", are also improving as a parent. They are tolerant and solidary. That's an opportunity that you should use. The selection of the child à la carte is not good. Because ultimately we choose the Perfect. And if all are equal, we are much poorer. Also flowers are different, and all are beautiful. The urge for social homogenization is an evil society. When all think alike, look alike, all are "uniform ", then that's fascism. "

"For me there are two concepts: the concept of fear and the concept of love. And if we have lived up to now with the concept of fear, it is time to leave this. "
