Pah Tum

Pah Tum is a strategic board game for two players. It comes from Mesopotamia and Assyria, and is at least 3800 years old. This makes it one of the oldest known games.


Pah Tum is played on a board with 7 x 7 fields. A player is white, the other black stones on the board. At the beginning of the game is an odd number of fields is blocked, which is usually done by a random generator. Players take turns placing a stone depending on a free, unblocked Court, White begins.

The game ends when there are no free field more. Players then get points for horizontal and vertical lines as they have formed their own stones and which are not interrupted by enemy stones or blocked fields. Diagonal lines do not count. The rows are allowed to cross, that is, a stone can simultaneously be part of a horizontal and vertical range. For each player, the points are received for its rows added. The player with the higher score wins, tied score, the game is a draw.

The score for a number depends on their length:

These scores result when you are for a series of at least three stones as many points as stones are in the series, and both contained by one shorter rows also evaluated. So a five-man brings five points, and the four rows contained therein nor ten, for a total of 25 points.

Mathematically represented: the score for a series of length is calculated as:
