PAK (file format)

Template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / MIME missing template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / default missing template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / missing site

Template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / MagischeZahlHex missing PACK ( ASCII C notation )

PAH ( packed archive file ) is a proprietary file format of the same data compression utility company NoGate Consulting. The last version was 2:51; published on 8 October 1990. The compression rate is between ARC and ZIP. The high speed was with some bad compression rates, especially for images purchased. PAK supports encryption of the compressed data. The characteristics of bytes in the file header ( Magic number for each archive - here the first four bytes ) consist of the string PACK.

To edit the contents of this special archive that is used by game developers, inter alia, for sound and level data, there is a shareware tool called QPed II by Pete Callaway, but which is no longer maintained for some time.

On Windows, the format of IZArc is opened. Under Windows 3.x Xtree could fully edit the format and reached thereby a considerably higher speed than the original program.
