Pál Sajgó

Pál Sajgó ( born April 28, 1922 in Gheorgheni ) is a former Hungarian cross-country skiers and biathletes.

Pál Sajgó started in his playing days for Budapest Bástya and Újpesti Dózsa Sportegyesület. He took the first time in Oslo in 1952 at the Olympic Winter Games in part and stood at the cross-country skiing. In the race over 18 kilometers, he finished 53rd place, about 50 kilometers he was 27 In his second at the Olympics in 1960 in Squaw Valley, he was also changed about 15 kilometers 34th and was the sport of biathlon, for the first time to the Olympic program included. With six goals he missed 14 goals and received 28 penalty minutes. Together with a time in the back of the midfield was the Hungarian overall in 26 of 30 starters.
