Palearctic ecozone

The Palaearctic region, also called Palaearctic referred to in the biogeography of the "old" land masses of Europe, North Africa to the southern edge of the Sahara and Asia ( south to the Himalayas, eg without the Indian subcontinent and the Arabian Peninsula ) before and these areas islands.

The Palaearctic region originated in the Paleogene ( the older section of the Tertiary period ), as developed new plant formations and new forms of animals in the area.

The Palaearctic forms together with the Nearctic ( = North America to northern Mexico and Greenland) the Holarctic region in the northern hemisphere. The assignment of individual regions is controversial. Greenland is attributed, for example, the Nearctic; this association, however, is just as questionable as a treatment of this island within the Palearctic. Demarcation difficulties, there are also also for Orientalis. So borders in the Himalayas both biogeographic units close to each other and are so closely intertwined with steep slopes each other that it switches back and forth between the two regions in a multi- hour hike. The change is clearly traceable mainly to the change in the vegetation.
