Palestine (comics)

Palestine is a collection of comic reportage of the American Joe Sacco. The book is considered the first work of comic journalism. In winter 1991/1992, he traveled for two months in the territories occupied by Israel and created here over to 1995 nine chapters on nearly 300 pages, for which he was awarded in 1996 with the American Book Award.

From Cairo he visited cities like Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Nablus, Hebron, Jenin, Ramallah, a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, and meets all Palestinians who invite him to tea and food and tell stories of their arrests, tortures, wounds or those of acquaintances or relatives. Every family has to mourn the victims. He vividly describes life in the refugee camps, prisons and draws a picture of social, economic and political oppression by the Israelis, the PLO organizations an inexhaustible number bring their policies to offspring. Sacco describes all possible variations of the Middle East conflict, the fate of the individual is a face and allows the dimension of the tragedy in the large and small are identified. He refers to himself no consideration, discussed his constant search for new events that he can use for his presentations. His balance and his close look confront the reader with new perspectives and insights. Especially the choice of medium comic, which he dominated dazzling, reinforces this impression, since he almost forces the reader to visualize his pictures in his brain again, and achieved a hyper- realistic effect.

The book was published in German in Two Thousand One -Verlag and in the Modern Edition.
