
Herber Zwergknäueling ( Panellus stipticus )

The Zwergknäulinge ( Panellus ) are a group of mostly small mushrooms from the family of Mycena relatives who also see the wood-dwelling Seitlingen habitually similar. They are sometimes also as the representative of the genus Sarcomyxa called " Muschelseitlinge ". Bollmann, Gminder Reil and assign the name " dwarf ball Inge" of the genus Panellus and use " Muschelseitlinge " exclusively for Sarcomyxa.

  • 3.1 Etymology
  • 4.1 Literature
  • 4.2 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The species of the genus are mostly small, wood-inhabiting fungi shell-shaped with lateral or absent stalk. The Hutoberseite is often tomentose, but can also be smooth. The blades are cutting edge entire and not cut or toothed. The spore powder is white to yellowish.

Noteworthy is the only North American strains of Herben Zwergknäuelings ( P. stipticus ) is appearing strong bioluminescence: both the mycelium and the fruiting body greenish glow intensely.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are relatively small, cylindrically shaped and amyloid, that is stainable with iodine solution.


Worldwide, the genus includes about 15 species, 4 of which are found in Europe or expected.

Some authors also following types are made to Panellus:

  • Gelbstieliger Muschelseitling - Sarcomyxa serotina as Panellus serotinus ( Schrad. ) Kuhner with non- amyloid spores
  • Sticky Schleierseitling - Tectella patellaris as Panellus patellaris (Fr.) Konrad & Maubl. with velum

Bell-like Zwergknäueling Panellus ringens

North American strains of Herben Zwergknäuelings ( Panellus stipticus ) glow in the dark.

Violet Zwerknäueling Panellus violaceofulvus



The scientific name of the genus " Panellus " comes from Latin and is the diminutive of " Panus " ( = tuft ) and refers to the tufted and knäuelig of timber growing, small fruiting bodies.

