
Patapon (Japaneseパタポン), of onomatopoeic PataPata for a knock and ponpon for a clapping sound, is a genre-breaking game for the PSP. It includes game elements from the fields of music game, real time strategy game Gods and simulation. The player is in the position of a God who draws the cartoon -like figures of a primitive tribe by rhythmic beating traditional talking drums. The game comes from the same developers of the game LocoRoco.


The player controls a " tribe " that emits the military structures of " infantry ", " cavalry " and " Archer ." At the beginning of the game the players are only a few locals with spears available. But with the game progresses, the growing military repertoire in the form of more units, more powerful fighters and powerful weapons. The army is commanded on the use of " talking drums ", where each of the four keypad buttons of the PSP, a specific sound is assigned ( circle = Pon, Chaka = triangle, rectangle = Pata, cross = Don ). Various combinations of sound call forth different reactions in the army, such as special attacks or defenses. The better while the rhythm is maintained, the greater the chance that the army in such a trance-like state device (fever ) that they many times to improve their attacks or their speed, which is especially important in the fight against the bosses. However, you should also know that if the rhythm is held incorrectly, it inevitably leads the Patapon are to do nothing or other actions as the Proposed sentenced, which impacts back on the whole game.


The Patapon were a contented and prosperous society before they were almost destroyed by the evil Zigotons. The player takes over the role of their God, which leads them to the campaign, which aims to restore the former glory of the Patapon tribe. With the progression of the story, the Patapon undertake a journey to the end of the world to be there to take " IT" the Holy object in inspection, whose appearance and purpose is the root unknown.
