Patrick A. Lee

Patrick A. Lee ( born September 8, 1946 in Hong Kong) is an American theoretical solid state physicist.

Lee studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT ), where he in 1966 took his bachelor's degree in 1970 and his doctorate in Marlan Scully ( Theory of Josephson Radiation). 1970 to 1972 he was Gibbs Instructor ( most recently as head of the theory department ) before he went again in 1982 at Yale University, then 1974 to 1982 in the theory department of Bell Labs as a professor at MIT, where he currently " William and Emma Rogers Professor of Physics "and heads of the biophysics, solid state physics, plasma physics, atomic physics. 1981 to 1987 he was a Trustee of the Aspen Center of Physics. He was, inter alia, Visiting scientist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Hong Kong.

Lee mainly dealt with strongly correlated electron systems, such as the quantum Hall effect, mesoscopic systems, Metal -insulator transitions ( Mott transitions) and disordered systems. In the 1980s he developed a theory for the 1984 discovered phenomenon of universal conductance fluctuations in mesoscopic systems (Universal Conductance Fluctuations ). Although these are specific for a particular sample, but can, in contrast to random variations to reproduce, and the amount of the average amplitude of the fluctuations is given by a universal constant (). From the 1990s, he also deals with the theory of copper oxide high-temperature superconductors (HTSC ), whose properties he wants to explain the fact that these materials are doped Mott insulators. Mott insulators are insulators, which should be actually conducting after the usual band model of the electronic states. The Neglected in the band model of Coulomb interaction between the electrons, however, leads that they are insulators. These include the copper oxide HTSC. Removing some electrons ( doping) is according to these theories lead that forms a superconducting state.

In 1995 he was Guggenheim Fellow. Lee was awarded the 1991 Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize of the American Physical Society (APS ), awarded for achievements in solid state physics, and 2005, the Dirac Medal ( ICTP ) for " fundamental contributions to the understanding of disordered and strongly interacting many-body systems ". In 2013 he was awarded the Feenberg Medal. Lee is a Fellow of the APS, since 1991 a member of the National Academy of Sciences and since 1994 a member of the Academia Sinica.


  • With T.V. Ramakrishnan: Disordered Electronic Systems. In: Review Modern Physics. Volume 57, 1985, p 287
  • With Naota Nagaosa, Xiao- Gang Wen: Doping a Mott Insulator. Physics of Hight Temperature Superconductivity. In: Reviews of Modern Physics. Volume 78, 2006, pp. 17-86
  • With Altschuler: Disordered electronic systems. In: Physics Today. December 1988 ( special issue "Physics of Disorder " )