Patriots' Day

The Patriots 'Day ( officially Patriots ' Day in Massachusetts and Wisconsin or Patriot's Day in Maine) is an official holiday in the aforementioned states of the United States. He is set to the third Monday in April since 1969 and commemorates the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, representing one of the first battles of the American Revolutionary War. The April 19th is also enshrined in Florida as a " historically important day " in the law, the is called to celebrate each, but not as an official holiday.

Accompanying events

The battles are adjusted annually in Lexington and Concord, which attracts many onlookers and tourists regularly. A highlight is the trailing ride of Paul Revere and William Dawes from Lexington to Concord.

In Boston is held annually on the occasion of the holy day of the Boston Marathon, so the holiday is there known as Marathon Monday. In 2013, the sporting event was overshadowed by a stop.

The games of the Boston Red Sox since 1959 are placed so that they have a home game at Fenway Park on Patriots ' Day.
