Paul Deschanel

Paul Deschanel ( born February 13, 1855 in Schaerbeek / Schaerbeek in Brussels, † April 28, 1922 in Paris) was a French politician ( ARD), Senator and President of the Third Republic.


Paul Deschanel was the son of the politician and writer Émile Deschanel. Since 1876 sub-prefect at Brest, he climbed the political ladder quickly and was Republican congressman for the department of Eure- et- Loir since 1885. 1896 Vice President of the House of Representatives, from 1898 to 1902 and again from 1912 to 1920 President of the Chamber of Deputies, he sat down at the 1920 election as president, succeeding Raymond Poincaré Georges Clemenceau against by. Deschanel held office from 17 February to 21 September 1920 and was the only French president, who had previously occupied a ministerial office.

Just a month after taking office showed mental problems and signs of senile dementia. After Deschanel was dressed only in his pajamas at night climbed out a window of his moving train, it became clear that it was untenable. He had the Prime Minister Alexandre Millerand soft, but became a senator, and died of pneumonia two years later.
