Paul Schneider (painter)

E. Paul Schneider ( born March 6, 1884 in Plauen, Vogtland; † around 1969 ) was a German painter and graphic artist. He was the last court painter of Emperor Wilhelm II and his last wife Hermione.


Paul Schneider spent most of his life as a painter in Leipzig, where he also illustrated books and designed envelopes. Around 1969, he died in the GDR and was forgotten, a great part of his picture collection was lost during the air raids on Leipzig from 1943 to 1945.

Professional Activities

1898-1902 he attended the Royal Industrial School in his hometown. He then worked for two years as a draftsman and designer at the company Oskar Strong in Plauen. Then he worked 1904-1907 as a graphic pattern into the embroidery factory Winterstein & Quaas to Leipzig. 1908-1915 Schneider completed his studies at the Royal Academy of Graphic Arts and Printing Arts Leipzig; He received several awards and was Hermione from Schoenaich - Carolath - the future wife of William - presented.

After the First World War, he was employed as a teacher of lithography 1919-1921 at the Academy of Graphic Arts and Printing Arts Leipzig. Then Schneider worked as a freelance artist and worked on order for the former Emperor and Hermione. As court painter, he also held after the death of William in 1941 at Huis Doorn in the Netherlands contact to " Empress".

From 1940 onwards, was a tailor commercial teacher at the vocational school in Leipzig. Another is unknown.
