Paulista Avenue

The Avenida Paulista is one of the main streets of the city of São Paulo in Brazil. She is almost 3 km long and is located on a long range of hills between the quarters of Bela Vista and Jardim Paulista southwest of the center. The area is accessed by a subway line and many buses.

Known as one of the most important financial centers in the city and one of its most prominent landmark is the avenue its importance as a center not only of the economy but also of entertainment and culture. There is a large amount of offices, banks, consulates, hotels, hospitals such as the traditional Santa Catarina Hospital and research institutions such as the Institut Pasteur and cultural as well as the Museu de Arte de São Paulo.

From the homes of Erstüberbauung are only a few survived.


Colégio Rodrigues Alves

Instituto Pasteur

Residência Joaquim Franco de Mello
