Pedra Branca, Singapore

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The island Pedra Branca ( Malay name Pulau Batu Putih, which would translate to "White Rock Island" ) is 20 km (11 miles ) east off the coast of Singapore. Their size is 2,000 m².

Singapore and Malaysia claimed this island. As of 2003, the case was tried before the International Court of Justice. The public hearings began on 6 November 2007. On 23 May 2008, ruled that Pedra Branca is under the sovereignty of Singapore. The also negotiated in this process, Middle Rocks were awarded to Malaysia.


Since 1513, the Sultanate of Johor exercised sovereignty over Pedra Branca. In the same year the Sultanate of Johore - Riau - Lingga of Sultan Mahmood was founded, which was ceded by the Portuguese in 1511. The British - Dutch Treaty of 1824 arbitrating the dispute between England and Portugal over the Johore Empire. A border was drawn across the Strait of Malacca and the South of Singapore, Pedra Branca was then in the sphere of influence of the British Empire, but also into the territory of modern Johore Empire, which is the legal successor of the Sultanate of Johore - Riau - Lingga.

John Turnbull Thomson, built in 1851 for the United Kingdom one used today Pedra Branca lighthouse on. Since then, the island of Great Britain was administered until the end of the colonial period as Malaysian territory. There is no record of the cession of the island in 1918 (other sources: 1927 ) from the Sultan of Johore to Singapore. And after today's presentation of Malaysia that was never the intention of the Sultanate of Johore. Singapore is of the opinion that it is the legal successor of the colony of the British Empire and it therefore the island was under the control of Empires deserve.
