Peer support

Peer counseling refers to the advice by similar people. In German-speaking countries, the term is, inter alia, used in conjunction with the disabled, homosexuals, young people and students.

People with disabilities

Since 1994, the educational and research institute for determination who lives Handicapped ( bifos ) continuous further training on the "Peer Counselor / ISL " performed.

In Article 26 of the valid for Germany since March 26, 2009 UN CRPD peer support and thus the method of peer counseling is required.


In 1998, the Professional Association of Peer Counseling Association ( BVP ) of graduates and trainers of peer - counseling training was established. The BVP organizes conferences and seminars and advises peer councelor. In addition, the association is lobbying for professional recognition.

In BBPV disabled people can become members who work full-time or volunteer as a peer counselor. Prerequisite is a completed training as peer counselor. In addition, the work of the BVP are supported by a supporting membership.

The BVP is working closely with the advocacy Independent Living in Germany (ISL eV).
