Pegasus Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

As Pegasus dwarf galaxy two different dwarf galaxies are referred to at the edge of the Local Group.

Peg dSph

The spheroid Pegasus Dwarf Galaxy (also Peg dSph, for Pegasus Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy) Andromeda VI or KKH 99 is also called Pegasus II, respectively. She is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy (subtype of the elliptical dwarf galaxies ) of the type dSph or DE3, which belongs to the Andromeda galaxy. She is about 2,527,000 light years from Earth ( Milky Way ) away and has a diameter of about 6,000 light years.


The irregular Pegasus Dwarf Galaxy (also Peg DIG, Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy) DDO 216 or A2304 is also known as UGC 12613, respectively. It is as irregular galaxy an irregularly shaped dwarf galaxy and how their namesake Peg dSph a satellite of the Andromeda galaxy and is located about 3.3 million light-years away from Earth.

Peg DIG was discovered in the 1950s by Albert George Wilson.


The Pegasus Galaxy is in the science fiction series Stargate, mentioned as the last home of the Ancients, which are the most advanced species in the Stargate universe. The Lost Ancient city of Atlantis is also located there.

Triangulum Galaxy | M32 | M110 | NGC 185 | NGC 147 | Peg DIG | Andromeda I | Andromeda II | Andromeda III | LGS 3 | Andromeda V | Pegasus II | Cassiopeia dwarf galaxy | Andromeda VIII | Andromeda IX | Andromeda X | Andromeda XI | Andromeda XII | XIII Andromeda | Andromeda XIV | XV Andromeda | Andromeda XVI | XVII Andromeda | Andromeda XVIII | Andromeda XX | Andromeda XXI | XXII Andromeda | Andromeda XXIII | XXIV Andromeda | Andromeda XXV | XXVI Andromeda | Andromeda XXVII | XXVIII Andromeda | Andromeda XXIX

  • Galaxy in the Local Group