Pejačević Castle in Virovitica

The Pejačević Castle (Croatian: Dvorac Pejačević u Virovitici ) is located in northern Croatia in the city Virovitica ( German Wirowititz ), seat of Virovitica - Podravina. Bears the name of the late Baroque building thanks to the noble family Pejačević ( German Pejatschewitsch ), whose members possessed several castles in the region of Slavonia.


The castle was built by Antun III. Count Pejačević Virovitica and his son Antun IV from 1800 to 1804 built on the site of a medieval castle. According to the draft of N. Roth, an architect from Vienna, designed and built the facility seat of the entire rule Virovitica was. Marko III. Aleksandar Pejačević cousin of Antuns father Josip, had this condition in 1753 by Empress Maria Theresa. She stayed until 1841 owned by the family.

After the community Virovitica had bought the castle in 1930, it was remodeled and opened in 1953 as a city museum with several collections on topics such as archeology, ethnography, culture and history.

Short Description

The two floors of the castle rising on a rectangular plan. The building has a projecting central Mittelbau and two symmetrical adjoining wing. The southern facade shows two superimposed galleries with arcades, with the openings of the superior semicircular canal are barred.
