Pejorative suffix

The Pejorativsuffix is a suffix (suffix), which is obtained by attaching to the stem of a word, a negative ( pejorative ) gives importance ( Pejoration ). In some languages, it overlaps with the diminutive.



The German has no exclusively pejorative suffixes. -ling, this function in individuals characterizations and the derivation of an originally positive connotation term take (see hunk, favorite ), but not as a collective noun ( cf. Bluebird, bloater ). Tend neutral are derivatives of abstractions (see courtier, Displacement ). Significantly more frequently takes place in the German Pejoration through composition.

  • - aster ( from Latin ), eg caviler or Päderaster
  • -o, eg Normalo, Brute (only colloquial)
  • -ei, in deverbal abstract nouns eg legwork Rederei
  • -ling, eg Schönling
  • - ler, such as dissenters, war profiteers


  • - txo eg jauntxo (of jaun " man " )


  • - tard, colloquially in words like paultard, libtard or conspiratard. As root is usually given " retard".
  • Aster, such as poetaster, philosopher aster ( from Latin )


  • AC, for example veteraĉo " bad weather " (from Vetero "Weather" )
  • - asse eg paperasse " paperwork "
  • - âtre eg colors rougeâtre an unsightly, about washed-out red


  • â - ( -WA ), eg lonoā "gossip" (from lono " news " )
  • -ea, eg poluea " seasickness " (from polu " wet" )


  • -accio/-accia, such as Boccaccio " Schandmaul " ( to bocca ' mouth ' )
  • -astro/-astra, eg giovinastro " good for nothing " ( to Giovine " lad " )


  • - aster, a fraudulent intent indicating, eg patraster " someone who plays only the Father" ( from pater "father" )


  • - ischka ( ишка )
  • - aschka ( ашка )


In Spanish, there are extensive inventories of pejorative suffixes ( Despectivos ).

  • - aco (a ), eg pajarraco "big ugly bird " (by pajaro "Bird " )
  • - ejo (a ), eg Lugarejo " backwater " (from lugar ' place " )
  • - ote (a ), eg discursote " long ramblings " (from discurso "speech" )