Pellegrino Artusi

Pellegrino Artusi (* August 4, 1820 in Forlimpopoli, at Forli, † March 30, 1911 in Florence ) was an Italian literary critic and gourmet and is considered the founder of the Italian national cuisine. In particular, he became famous for his cookbook La cucina e l' arte scienza in di mangiar bene ( From the science of cooking and the art of enjoyment ).

Artusi had become rich as a silk merchant and business traveled extensively through Italy. With 71 years he wrote then based on his recipe collection scienza La cucina e l'arte di in mangiar plane. After initial difficulties ( The first edition of 1,000 copies Artusi published in 1891 at his own expense ), the book was a great success and is being sold to this day.

Three decades after the Italian unification led Artusi together for the work of recipes from all over Italy. Artusi is ascribed an important role for the unity of the Italian State and the Italian language.

He died at 90 years old and is buried in the cemetery Cimitero delle Porte Sante in Florence.

In Forlimpopoli remembers a small museum of Pellegrino Artusi.

