Pembroke Welsh Corgi

  • Group 1: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs ( without Swiss Cattle Dogs)
  • Section 1: Sheepdogs
  • Without working trial

Great Britain

About 25.4 to 30.5 cm

Dogs 10-12 kg Bitches 10-11 kg

The Welsh Corgi Pembroke is one of the FCI recognized British breed (FCI Group 1, Section 1, Standard No. 39).

Origin and History

Just as the " Cardigan " Pembroke occurs already in the 10th century and comes from Wales, he is to be a descendant of the Welsh Sheepdogs, since the 12th century, he is known as a cattle dog. According to legend, he served the Welsh Fairies, which roughly correspond to our fairies, as guard and mount. In this context, the fur markings on the back and behind the front legs, which are most evident with sable corgis interpreted as imprints of saddle and harness.

1925, the Pembroke and Cardigan were jointly recognized by the Kennel Club as a breed, until 1934, after many disputes a separate recognition of the two races. Since 1933 holds the Queen Elizabeth Welsh Corgi Pembroke.


The Welsh Corgi Pembroke Welsh Corgi Cardigan differs from by a more compact figure, smaller ears and sometimes a stubby tail congenital ( cropping is banned in Germany ). It is slightly smaller than the cardigan, its common colors are: sable, red, black and red mixed ( Tricolor ), each with white markings. His hair has a medium length, straight and has a thick undercoat. He achieved according to breed standard size of up to 30.5 cm with a maximum weight of 12 kg. The ears are erect and of medium size.
