Penkalas Bridge

39.20083333333329.612222222222Koordinaten: 39 ° 12 ' 3 " N, 29 ° 36' 44" O


Penkala ( Kocaçay )

The Penkalasbrücke is a Roman bridge over the Penkala (nowadays Kocaçay ), a small tributary of the Rhyndacus ( Adırnas Çayı ), in Asia Minor Aizanoi ( Çavdarhisar in Turkey).

The fünfbögige stone bridge dating from the 2nd century AD, is one of four former Roman bridges in Aizanoi and probably in ancient times due to its central location in the vicinity of the sanctuary of Zeus and the direct connection to the highway after Kotiaion ( Kütahya ) the most important have been river crossing. The ancient parapet remained after reports of early European explorers get to at least 1829 and is now replaced by a little handsome iron railing.

Approx. 290 m upstream introduces another well -preserved ancient bridge over the Penkala, which is executed in an almost identical manner.
