Penonomé, Coclé

8.5186111111111 - 80.355277777778Koordinaten: 8 ° 31 ' N, 80 ° 21' W

Penonomé is the capital of the province of Veraguas in Panama with 21,748 inhabitants ( ). The city lies on the Pan American Highway and the area is flat and unforested.


Penonomé was founded in 1581. " Peno Nomé " means in the language of the locals Nomé was executed. Nomé was chief of a local Indian tribe, who was killed by a Spanish colonial official. The city was after the capture of Panama by Henry Morgan in 1671, for a short time the capital of Panama.


In the city you will find descendants of Chinese immigrants, which have often with small supermarkets ( " chinos " ) made ​​their own. The population is mainly composed of Mestizos, Chinese and African Americans. In February throughout Panama Carnival and Las Tablas Penonomé is then a popular destination.

The Church of Penonomé and the local government are located in the town center. There is also a small museum in Penonomé with irregular opening times. The city has two main roads: La Avendida Demmóstenes Juan Arosemena and the Inter- Americana. Since 2006, youth communities, which are operated by the SOS Children's Villages and financed by the Hermann Gmeiner funds exist. In recent years the town has undergone a major transformation: there is now a mall with a large supermarket, a cinema, a swimming pool and several shops.

Especially at the carnival and the national celebrations turned the otherwise quiet town into a colorful spectacle with numerous open-air discos and lively street parades.

Penonomé is also a popular destination for exchange students who are traveling with AFS to Panama and houses in this village in host families.

Places in the vicinity

  • From Penonomé one can reach very many places in Panama since the day traverse many buses the city. For only five U.S. dollars you can go to Panama City, which is about 2 ½ hours away.
  • Only few minutes drive from Penonomé away, there are some beautiful beaches of Panama. Particularly well known are mainly the " Playa Santa Clara " and " Playa Farrallon ", have settled in the vicinity of some grand hotels.
  • It is close to the Valle de Antón, an old volcanic crater, in which there is a small village located and from where many walks can be undertaken also located.