Pereskiopsis spathulata

Pereskiopsis spathulata cuttings

Pereskiopsis spathulata is a species in the genus Pereskiopsis from the cactus family ( Cactaceae ).


Pereskiopsis spathulata grows bushy, little branched and reaches stature heights of 1 to 2 meters. The overhanging shoots are finely frosted. The wedge-shaped leaf blade of thick leaves is 2 to 2.5 inches long. The areolae are covered with brown glochids. The one to two stiff spines are white with a darker tip and up to 2.5 inches long.

The flowers are red. About the fruit is not known.

Pereskiopsis spathulata is possibly only a form of location Pereskiopsis diguetii.

Systematics and distribution

Pereskiopsis spathulata is common in Mexico. The exact area of ​​distribution is unclear.

The first description was in 1837 as Pereskia spathulata by Ludwig Georg Karl Pfeiffer. Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose set the style in the 1907 of them newly established species Pereskiopsis. A synonym is Opuntia spathulata ( Otto ex Pfeiff. ) FACWeber.

