- publishing platform for the humanities - is an international, across different eras and interdisciplinary online publication platform for Institutes of direct federal Max Weber Foundation - German Humanities Institutes Abroad (DGIA ) and their partners. The aim of is to make the scientific results of the institutes transparent and accessible. On the basis of the Open Access principle scientific communication will be further developed and intensified.

Ownership, use, structure is the communication and publication platform of the Max Weber Foundation - German Humanities Institutes Abroad. It started in late 2007 as a project that was initiated by the Director of the German Historical Institute Paris Gudrun Gersmann. On 31 October 2008, the platform went online. The editors of is located at the Foundation's headquarters in Bad Godesberg. It coordinates the publication process with various trade journals in the various institutions and preparing the texts for the online publication before ( Legal, Papers, Imprimatur ). It is supported by a part of editorial at the Bavarian State Library in Munich, where also completed the process of retro-digitization, made ​​the library opening up the platform content and long-term archiving of texts is saved. The local offices of the respective institutions will remain responsible for ensuring the scientific standards.

Technical Basics offers a multilingual interface and is provided on the basis of the CMS Plone. The source code " Plone Scholarly Journal" ( PSJ ) is available as an open source package.

Content offers both genuine electronic publications, as well as those that have already appeared in print, and now prepared retrospectively digitized. Also hybrid publishing, realize the print and online publication at the same time, meet the platform concept that consistently follows the Open Access principle. In principle, accessible to texts of the Creative Commons license subject (usually CC -BY -NC -ND), deviations concern the retro digitized content provided.

On all common publication formats are available: essays, reviews, anthologies / conference proceedings and monographs. this case represents only a publishing environment for the different formats that can thus keep their part already established names (such as Francia ). Also newly introduced forms of publication as the " discussions " or " Friedrich300 " have independent series nature and are only hosted on presented under the heading "sections" and scientific sessions of Max Weber Foundation since 2010. Meetings are not provided as text documents, but in the form of audio recordings in mp3 format.
