Peter Madsen (inventor)

Peter Madsen (born 1971 ) is a Danish engineer. It was mainly because known that he has three submarines and a missile privately financed together with friends and acquaintances and built.

Submarine construction

Madsen has been built on three submarines privately funded. 2002 was built as a prototype of the submarine Freya. Then followed in 2005 by the submarine Kraka. Kraka was twice as large as Freya 12 meters in length. It weighed eight tons had a diesel engine and an electric motor 12 kW 4.5 kW. Freya had a diver lock, through which a diver could leave the boat down.

The last and largest submarine, which Madsen has completed in 2008, is the UC3 Nautilus. UC3 Nautilus is 17.8 meters long and weighs 40 tons fully equipped. This makes it the biggest privately -built submarine.


See HEAT -1X - Tycho Brahe.

Madsen has worked for many years with the construction of various rocket engines. He is member of the Danish "Amateur Rocket Club" and worked with in the "Aurora Project Group ". Together with Kristian von Bengtson he started at Copenhagen Suborbitals order to build various missiles. The goal is to bring in a few years a man with a rocket privately financed and built into space.
