Phalaris (grass)

Pipe canary grass ( Phalaris arundinacea )

The gloss grasses ( Phalaris ) are a genus of grasses. The German and the scientific genus name derived from the Greek phalàros = shiny from.


The genus includes both annual as perennial species. There are clump forming like carpet-forming species by rhizomes. Also the height of the grasses fluctuating significantly (up to 40 cm in P. canariensis, up to 2.5 m in P. arundinacea ).

The leaves are linear, flat, and provided with a generally well-educated, membranous, not fringed ligule.

The spikelets are in panicles, either total urged, whereby the panicle resembles an egg-shaped ear ( Ährenrispengras ), or crowded together to share. The side clearly flattened spikelets are usually dreiblütig, with the two lower flowers are sterile and reduced to lemmas, the top one is fertile. The two bald glumes have three distinct green nerves are boat-shaped hollow, often keeled or winged and along the midrib. They are about as long as the spikelet itself, making them include the flower exactly. Its shape may be quite different.

Distribution and habitat requirements

The tube - canary grass ( Phalaris arundinacea ) is zirkumboreal common. The other types are mainly in the Mediterranean area and from the warm temperate zones of South America. Some of these species have been abducted, however far, so that nowadays happen canary grass species on all continents.

Most species prefer perennials rich, moist sites along rivers or in swampy areas. The invasive species grow as arable weeds or in disturbed areas such as roadsides, on wasteland or on dumps.


The genus Phalaris contains, depending on the view 15 to 22 species. Here is a list of these at GRIN types:

  • Phalaris amethystina Trin.
  • Phalaris angusta Nees ex Trin.
  • Phalaris aquatica L.; Home: Southern Europe, France, Turkey, Southwest Asia, India, Australasia
  • Pipe canary grass ( Phalaris arundinacea L.; Syn: typhoid arundinacea (L. ) Moench ) - A reed- like, tall grass that grows on nutrient-rich cosmopolitan riverbanks. It contains dimethyltryptamine, a hallucinogenic.
  • Gedrungenblütiges canary grass ( Phalaris brachystachys link); Home: Iberian Peninsula, France, Italy, Balkanhalbinse, Caucasus
  • Canary or Genuine canary grass ( Phalaris canariensis L.), comes from the Canary Islands, the Azores and Tunisia through Europe to Turkey and the Caucasus; with white-green striped, oval Ährenrispen; is cultivated as an ornamental plant and for the recovery of bird food.
  • Phalaris caroliniana Walter
  • Perennial canary grass ( Phalaris coerulescens Desf. ); Home: Southern Europe, Framnkreich, Turkey
  • Phalaris × daviesii ST Blake - This is a hybrid of Phalaris minor Phalaris aquatica ×.
  • Phalaris elongata brown Blanq.
  • Phalaris minor Retz. ; Home: Southern Europe, France, North Africa, South Africa, Turkey, the Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia, the Himalayas, India
  • Weird canary grass ( Phalaris paradoxa L.); Home: North Africa, Southern Europe, France, Middle East
  • Phalaris platensis Henrard ex sergeant.
  • Phalaris truncata cast. ex Bertol. ; occurs in the Mediterranean region

Sources and further information
