Pheasant Island

The Isla de los Faisanes ( German: Pheasant Island; French: Île de l' Hôpital, Isle of Faisans or Île de la Conférence; Basque: Faisaien uhartea or Konpantzia ) is an uninhabited inland island of the Spanish- French border river Bidasoa 5.9 km (4 2 km air line ) southeast of the mouth in the Atlantic Ocean. The Franco-Spanish border runs through the middle of the island.

The island is 224 meters long and up to 41 meters wide. It is with an area of ​​6820 square meters, the smallest condominium in the world, and is administered twice a year alternately by Spain and France. For the French side of the town of Hendaye, does the job, for the town of Irun, Spain. Previously, the island belonged to the municipality of Hondarribia, Guipuzcoa.

Despite its size, the island carries many names: mainly in French Île de l' Hôpital. The Spanish name Isla de los Faisanes may be a popular etymological Translated from French and not related to the fauna of the island.

Due to its location in the border area, the island was often the scene of historical events. So here hostages were exchanged, transferred nubile infantas and signed the Peace of the Pyrenees, Louis XIV and Philip IV of Spain, after long negotiations (1659 ) in 1660. In the middle of the island a stele commemorates the signing of the Pyrenees peace.
