Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Philosophy, Politics and Economics ( course Acronym: PPE) is an interdisciplinary course of study that consists of the fields of philosophy, political science and economics. The course was first offered in 1920 at Oxford University, soon afterwards at Cambridge University. Since the turn of the millennium, similar studies have also spread outside the UK.

History and distribution

The program was first introduced in the 1920s at Balliol College, Oxford University under the title Modern Greats. This should replace the course of the greats, such as the study of classical antiquity science was called in Oxford, because it did not appear contemporary to the requirements of modern politics. A similar program was introduced in 1921 by the Cambridge University.

Among the known PPE graduates from " Oxbridge " include senior politicians and officials of Great Britain, including:

The course of study at Oxford and Cambridge fulfills a similar function in society such as the Ecole Nationale d'Administration in France. Other well-known graduates of the study program in Oxford include the philosopher Isaiah Berlin and Bill Clinton, but did not complete the course of study.

In the 1980s, a course of study PPE was also introduced at other English universities, notably from the University of Warwick and the University of York. Meanwhile courses are offered with the same combination of subjects at various universities around the world.
