Physical disability

Physical disability is an individual physical disability of a person, a physiological deficit or handicap.


After Christopher Leyendecker a person is referred to as a disability, which is so impaired as a result of damage to the musculoskeletal system, another organic injury or chronic disease in their behavioral possibilities that self -realization is more difficult in social interaction (see Leyendecker 2005).

Schönberger distinguishes two aspects or levels of disability:

In contrast, say newer perspectives and insights that disability is not caused by individual factors (eg, physical impairment ), but by environmental barriers that prevent people with disabilities, on an equal footing in society participate. "The less favorable environmental conditions, the more likely receives an impairment, the weight of the disability. Accordingly, in socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds relatively large proportions of disabilities can be expected. "

In that regard, a limitation of cognitive performance is given, the distinction between physical disability and cognitive disability is out of focus; she is being made ​​, among other things, the extent to which physical impairments of the brain are the cause of the reduced cognitive performance. Physical disability can be part of a multiple disability.

Disability and society

At a certain degree of impairment is entitled to a severely handicapped, the - in some cases only in conjunction with the appropriate note - be entitled to compensation for disadvantages, such as tax relief, the use of handicapped parking spaces, the European key or the free carriage by public transport. There are special early conveyors, kindergartens, schools, vocational training and sheltered workshops, where physically challenged people are isolated from society. The body needs education is a sub-discipline of special education, which is concerned with the education of physically handicapped persons.
