Pibgorn (instrument)

The Pibgorn / Pibgyrn (Welsh pib pib gorn from " whistle " and gorn / corn " horn ", cf Latin cornu ) is a reed instrument from Wales. It has a simple reed as the Bordunrohre the bagpipes and usually six finger holes and one thumb hole. According to the tonal range of a diatonic octave. The body of the instrument is on modern instruments made of wood, mostly hardwood, while historical instruments often had melody pipes made ​​of elder or bone. The reed is covered by a wind-cap of horn. At the lower end a significantly curved horn is used to amplify the sound. It belongs to the horn pipes.

Modern Pibgorns are generally equal temperament tuned to D, to fit with other instruments. In historical instruments apparently only the octave and fifth were voted, while the finger holes of the other sounds were distributed at equal intervals. Perhaps this mood but was modified by auxiliary handles.

Today, some artists use the Pibgorn as a melody pipe ( chanter ) for Welsh bagpipes.


The history of the Horn Pipes total see the article Hornpipe.

The Welsh Pibgorn is first in the laws Howell of the good mentioned ( niedergeschr. 940-50 AD), in which specified that a senior musician with a commitment right to the necessary instrument (harp, crwth and Pibgorn ) asked to get.

Probably the hornpipes were common since the Middle Ages through the entire British Isles. The Scottish national poet Robert Burns (1759-1796) made ​​an effort to find tools and still living players. At the beginning of the 18th century, it was only played on the Welsh island of Anglesey. In the late 19th century it was extinct.


With the resurgent interest in traditional Welsh music, musicians and instrument makers in addition to the crwth, the Welsh bagpipes and the triple- strung harp Welsh enlivened the Pibgorn again.

The collections of Welsh folk songs were edited in order to develop a repertoire for the limited range of Pibgorn. By Welsh folklore bands, some of these tunes were, and with them the instrument popularized.
