Picard (language)

Spoken in

Indo-European languages

  • Picard language




  • Picard

Picard is a French closely related Gallo-Roman language or a northern Oïl language. It is spoken in France in Picardy, Artois, in French Flanders and Wallonia in Belgium in the west.

In the Picardie region is called Picard. In contrast, in Flanders and Artois are the names chti and chtimi and used in the area around Lille and Valenciennes Rouchi, even if you usually only speaks in Flanders of patois. Linguists use only the term Picard. All of these names are synonymous.


The French Community of Belgium has just as Walloon, Lorraine, Champenois, and Picard Francique recognized as a regional language in 1990.

Province of Hainaut ( Picard: HENAU )

The French state has the Picard not recognized in this way ( in accordance with its policy, only recognize French as the official language on its territory ), although some reports the Picard regarded as separate from the French language.

The Picard benefited anyway from the Delegation Générale à la Langue Française et aux Langues de France Ministry of Culture.



Vocabulary: Numbers 0-2000

Note: As well as the standard French uses the Picard language the Twenties system as a counting system.
